Thursday, September 3, 2020
Accidents Have Caused Major Explosion
Mishaps Have Caused Major Explosion In the previous barely any years there had been a consistent addition in the use of the hazard evaluation in the seaward creation offices. This is particularly after the Piper Alpha fiasco in 1988 and numerous other significant mishaps that executed numerous lives. Administrators are demonstrating an expanding mindfulness by checking on the security of their current topside creation offices. The Piper Alpha mishap gave antagonistic affirmation that the forecasts of hazard examinations with respect to significant mishaps were surely reasonable. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is exceptionally valuable so as to lessen the dangers particularly on the hydrocarbon discharges from seaward topsides offices. (Agreement, 1998) The mishaps have caused significant blast and followed by some other minor blasts that discharge immense measure of hydrocarbons, for example, gas, fluid and 2-stage fluid. As indicated by the examination report that had been made after the mishap, the primary explanation that causes the mishap is the handover work made by two diverse move staff. Correspondence issue is one reason of the disaster. At first the stage just created raw petroleum. Be that as it may, following a couple of years petroleum gas is likewise being created. During the establishment of the gas transformation gear, the fire dividers were not moved up to the impact divider that causes a serious blast all through the fiasco. In addition, the siphoning activity of oil and gas was proceeded despite the fact that the fire began to spread on the stage because of absence of affirmed authority that simply witness the consuming of the Piper (Taylor, Wallace, Ward, 1991). It was begun from the two condensate infusion siphons which are An and B. The day move engineer neglected to advise the condition regarding siphon A to the night move engineer in which the weight valve was expelled for recalibration and recertification. There are around 106 proposal has made for the eventual fate of security seaward by the Cullen Report. The entirety of the proposals had been acknowledged and actualized by the seaward administrators later at that point (Simon, 2012a). Petrobras Enchova Central Platform was recorded in the major seaward mishaps. This stage additionally recorded as one of the most exceedingly terrible and remarkable victories throughout the entire existence of seaward oil stage. It is situated in the Enchova Field, Brazil and worked by Petrobras. Two significant occurrences recorded in these fields which were on 16 August 1984 and 24 April 1988. The principal mishaps brought about by victory followed by blast and fire. The vast majority of the work force were cleared securely by chopper and raft. Sadly, 42 laborers kicked the bucket during the clearing handled. The principle reason that slaughtered numerous lives during departure is on the grounds that the disappointment of bringing down component of a raft. The raft was suspended and in the end fell 10-20m to the ocean which executed 36 faculty. The other six laborers were executed when they bounced from the stage to the ocean at 30-40m tallness. (Simon, 2012b) The subsequent mishap happened on 24 April 1988 which is four years after the fact during the workover procedure on the stage. One of the well that worked by the stage smothered lastly touched off that brought about the decimation of the stage. Petrobras chose to penetrate two help wells in 30 days time and in the end prevail with regards to controlling the victory (Maduro Reynolds, 1989). The workover very much was acted so as to change over oil well to gas well. At that point the victory happened during that changing over procedure. The fire came about because of gas start keep going for 31 days. There was no death toll recorded on the grounds that the skimming living quarters were isolated from the stage during the victory. The administrator caused an absolute misfortune in light of the fact that the broad harm to the topside structure (Simon, 2012b). Ekofisk Bravo Platform is another sort of stage that was recorded in the best five most noticeably awful victory mishaps in the oil and gas industry in which the volume of hydrocarbon discharged is around 202,381 barrels. This stage is worked by Philips Petroleum Company situated at Ekofisk field in Norwegian mainland rack. The occasion of victory was recorded on 22 April 1977, a couple of years after the disclosure of this field in 1969. It was announced that the victory cause the greatest oil slick in the North Sea. The victory happened during the workover of the creation well. It was begun when the creation tubing was pulled out at 10000 feet profundity. At that point the victory preventer (BOP) isn't yet introduced in the wake of evacuating Christmas tree before the creation tubing pulling process. The downhole security valve was failed in view of inappropriately introduced that cause well kick at that point brought about well victory that discharge enormous measure of hydrocarbon to the earth. There was no death toll recorded as the clearing work conveyed appropriately. At first the complete discharge determined was 202,381 bbls by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. At that point the oil was vanished up to 40% of the underlying discharge and an absolute spill evaluated is lower than the underlying sum. It was accounted for that there was no huge impact to the earth. The examination to decide the underlying driver of the mishap had been done. They found that the fundamental explanation of the victory was brought about by human blunders. The human blunders incorporate wrong arranging and well control, confusion hands on scope trouble for example disregards the best possible establishment documentation and gear distinguishing proof (Simon, 2012c). Bekok C stage that is worked by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. is one of the recorded stage mishaps in Malaysia that cause extreme wounds to the laborers. This stage is found 200km from the shoreline of Peninsular Malaysia. The central point of the disaster is a direct result of the gas released that cause fire on the stage. Essentially, the stage experienced planned shutdown so as to design support exercises during the mishap (Bernama, 2010). There were around 108 staff on the stage at that point of occurrence and six of them were harmed in light of the fire. The fire just began after 12 PM and managed by the crisis reaction groups (ERT). The harmed faculty were the one that on the job around then and in the process to finish their day of work. The six harmed work force endured a few consumes on parts of their body including the face. The fire may be come about because of flashes that delivered from one of the support valves. The staying 102 specialists have been cleared securely to the close by stage (Chris, 2010). Another seaward mishap in Malaysia is Tukau B stage situated in Miris seaward. This stage is worked by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd which is Malaysias National Oil Company. The fire happened on 11 June 2012 which is the most recent mishap at an oil and gas office recorded on seaward stage. It was accounted for that 16 laborers were on the stage around then of fire. Five of them (two PETRONAS representatives and other three contractual worker staff were endured first and severely charred area. There was no death toll detailed as other residual specialists were cleared securely to the close by stage, Tukau A living quarters. (Mohamad Abdullah, 2012) The fire came about because of the blast at Tukau B oil boring stage began to spread on the structure at 9.20am at the blower slip. Luckily they figured out how to put the fire leveled out inside an hour that forestalls the fire to spread over the stage. The faculty were doing some support deals with the stage at the hour of fire. The human blunders could be the explanation of the blast that cause fire and harmed a portion of the laborers. The majority of the mishaps happen were mostly cause by the designing specialists that don't have great comprehension on the security components. Misinterpretation hands on trouble has been typical circumstance on the occasion of fire and blast. Ill-advised utilization of standard working method for gear consistently becomes central point in stage mishap. This is for the most part happening during the support works that include the administrator and temporary worker staffs (Luin, 2012). The latest occurrence that includes oil and gas industry in Malaysia is the fire and blast of the oil big hauler named Bunga Alpinia own by Malaysian International Shipping Company, MISC which happened at 26 July 2012. This occasion of fire and blast occur at Rancha-Rancha modern zone, Pulau Enoe close Labuan. It was accounted for that the oil big hauler was stacking six tons of methanol at the PETRONAS Chemicals Methanol Sdn Bhd pier when a little fire touched off during a tempest. The fire began at 2.30am and came about in at any rate three significant blasts that shake the Labuan Island. Bunga Alpinia had 29 teams on board comprising 23 Malaysians and six Filipinos. The mishap murdered five laborers; four of them were Malaysian and one Filipino as referenced by MISC Company which is an auxiliary of PETRONAS. Another 24 specialists were cleared securely to inland (Almeida, 2012). The fire and blast just happened close by the PETRONAS Chemical Methanol plant that emerge another worry if the blazes from the big hauler touch off the methanol storehouse. The impact may be serious which can make huge obliteration the encompassing zone. Issue Statement As per Oil Gas UK Knowledge Center, hydrocarbon discharge may add to significant mishaps just as decide a key exhibition pointer of benefit respectability the board of seaward establishments. A hydrocarbon can possibly discharge to climate because of spillage from hardware, ribs, valves, pipe works and so on. Every one of this hardware has their own discharge recurrence. QRA study is significant so as to distinguish the most savvy approaches to diminish dangers to individuals and to the creation resource. It is additionally significant for organization to improve their comprehension on the dangers and risk engaged with its seaward tasks (Hanson, Lewis, Walters, 1995). For Quantitative Risk Assessment study, the discharge recurrence of each Isolatable S
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainfo Essay Example For Students
Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainfo Essay Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainforests of the World In this research paper, I will clarify the incredible significance of the tropical Rainforests around the globe and talk about the impacts of the awfulness of rainforest decimation and the impact that it is having on the earth. I will discuss the endeavors being made to help control the pace of rainforest pulverization and the people groups of the rainforest, and I will investigate another point in the battle to spare the rainforest, territory fracture. Another theme being talked about is the a wide range of kinds of rainforest species and their uniqueness from the remainder of the world. To begin with, I will talk about the numerous types of uncommon and intriguing creatures, Native to the Rainforest. Tropical Rainforests are home to a considerable lot of the weirdest looking and generally wonderful, biggest and littlest, generally perilous and least terrifying, most intense and calmest creatures on earth. There are numerous kinds of creatures that make their homes in the rainforest some of them include: pumas, toucans, parrots, gorillas, and tarantulas. There are such a large number of intriguing creatures in tropical rainforest that millions have not distinguished at this point. Truth be told, about portion of the universes species have not been distinguished at this point. However, unfortunately, a normal of 35 types of rainforest creatures are turning out to be terminated each day. Such a large number of types of creatures live in the rainforest than some other pieces of the world since rainforests are accepted to be the most seasoned biological system on earth. A few backwoods in southeast Asia have been around for at any rate 100 million years, since the time the dinosaurs have wandered the earth. During the ice ages, the remainder of which happened around 10,000 years prior, the solidified regions of the North and South Poles spread over a significant part of the earth, causing enormous quantities of eliminations. In any case, the monster freeze didn't arrive at numerous tropical rainforests. Hence, these plants and creatures could keep on advancing, forming into the most assorted and complex biological systems on earth. The about ideal conditions forever likewise help add to the incredible number of species. With temperatures consistent at around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit the entire year, the creatures dont need to stress over freezing during the virus winters or finding blistering shade in the summers. They once in a while need to look for water, as downpour falls pretty much consistently in tropical rainforests. Some rainforest species have populaces that number in the millions. Different species comprise of just two or three dozen people. Living in constrained territories, the greater part of these species are discovered no place else on earth. For instance, the maues marmoset, a types of monkey, wasnt found as of not long ago. Its whole minuscule populace lives inside a couple of square miles in the Amazon rainforest. This types of monkey is little to the point that it could fit into a people hand! In a rainforest, it is hard to see numerous things other than the a large number of creepy crawlies sneaking and slithering around in each layer of the woods. Researchers gauge that there are in excess of 50 million distinct types of spineless creatures living in rainforests. A scholar investigating the rainforest discovered 50 distinctive of ants on a solitary tree in Peru! A couple of long periods of looking around in a rainforest would deliver a few creepy crawlies obscure to science. The steady quest for food , water, daylight and space is a 24-hour pushing and pushing match. With this savage rivalry, unfortunately that such a large number of types of creatures would all be able to live respectively. However, this is really the reason for the enormous number of the various species. The fundamental mystery lies in the capacity of numerous creatures to adjust to eating a particular plant or creature, which not many different species can eat. .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .postImageUrl , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:visited , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:active { border:0!important; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:active , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover { mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u74d011e17d2bc e25b3100850f4554cce .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: F.O.R. Wellness Business Plan Essay A case of such adjustments would be the large snouts of the toucans and parrots. Their noses give them an extraordinary bit of leeway over different feathered creatures with littler snouts. The products of the soil from numerous trees have advanced with an extreme shell to shield them from predators. Thusly toucans and parrots grew enormous, solid snouts, which fills in as a nutcracker and furnishes them with numerous delicious suppers. Numerous creature species have created associations with one another that advantage the two species. Winged creatures and warm blooded animal species love to e at .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal Free Essays
A damaging clash was made by the gatherings associated with the contextual investigation 2 segment 2 (Erbe, 2003) when they neglected to perceive the sole reason for an otherworldly network. The profound community’s sole object was to join the individuals by driving them through a typical conviction and offering them any help they may require. The profound pioneer was accused of the obligation of guaranteeing that the objectives of the network were accomplished. We will compose a custom article test on A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Rather than her utilizing the forces gave to her to play out her job and the obligations expected of her, she began to mishandle these forces and as opposed to joining the staff individuals and attracting them near her, she frightened them away. She began utilizing her capacity to mishandle and scare the subordinate staff in her office. This proceeded for so long that it turned into a custom. It was in certainty seen that the otherworldly leader’s expectation was to harmed those people she thought didn't have a place with her circle. The issue of a terminated staff came at the time the otherworldly pioneer was additionally filling in as the pioneer of the network. The profound leader’s evident maltreatment of intensity is said to have caused the event of the occurrence. We can not decisively say that the griping group’s allegations made against the pioneer are exact as no up close and personal meeting with the otherworldly pioneer to get her side of the story and remark had at this point been directed. This suggests realities about the genuine thought process behind the sacking of the staff part and in the case of tormenting truly is going on are as yet obscure. Also, the whining gatherings may be misrepresenting in portraying their allegations against the profound pioneer as there consistently is plausibility of psychological and perceptual contortions happening where such issues are concerned. This calls for additional examination concerning the issue as it is important to set up reality and furthermore see whether the perceptual and contortion speculations are available in the issue. Note that the association contained just ladies. Be that as it may, the way of life of the association is more manly than female. This depends on the in transit the pioneer executed her authority duties. Her desires for the staff individuals were more inflexible than what is ordinarily expected of female associations (Erbe, 2003). The pioneer made force and status, had coordinated understanding to instructed consideration and constructed thoughts seriously which is normal for manly associations (Erbe. 2003). These administration attributes thus made the profound pioneer manly as she didn't apply the female authority abilities that are generally increasingly unique. This made her contention with the remainder of the staff individuals as her form of initiative was not good with them (Erbe, 2003).  These distinctions in the manner the authority was taken care of caused the primary period of contention which continued with time as in the raising damaging clash model made by Erbe. The contention continued as individuals from the staff who were not in the leader’s circle got frightened of contradicting her maltreatment and tormenting. This came about to rehashed maltreatment by the pioneer as nobody had the option to face her. This in the end activated aggregation of sick emotions against the pioneer among the staff individuals. This was even exacerbated by the way that the otherworldly pioneer was not meeting the staff member’s root desire for her. Generally individuals anticipate that otherworldly pioneers should be benevolent, reasonable, just and others conscious, this was anyway not so with this pioneer. The griping bunch was later enabled when a law graduate entered the contention and joined their side. She made them mindful of beneficiary lawful rights which they didn't know previously. She disclosed to them that they could document a suite against the profound pioneer for manhandling them. This was a strengthening to the whining party as they became acquainted with that there was a setting for them to air their complaints and worries with the expectation of finding support. More maltreatment from the pioneer were accounted for, for instance there is an example where she is said to have obnoxiously mishandled a secretary who later went to look for directing as she had been profoundly harmed by the maltreatment. The pinnacle of the contention was experienced when one of the staff individuals was found with a weapon. Savagery which is known to be a definitive indication of a contention for the most part triggers damaging and undesired elements (Erbe, 2003). Instructions to refer to A Conflict Case Study Analysis and Proposal, Free Case study tests
What Aspect of Myself Do I Value Most Essay Example For Students
What Aspect of Myself Do I Value Most? Paper Per. 4 5 American StudiesAthletic EssayThere are numerous parts of myself that I esteem. A few people are veryartistic, some are acceptable audience members, some are old buddies, and others arejust plain pleasant. The one part of myself that I esteem the most is myathletic capacity. I partake in three fundamental games, soccer, golf, andski hustling. I have played soccer for a long time. At the point when I began, I playedrecreationally in Bow. I played that for a long time and afterward startedplaying travel soccer. This alliance was extremely serious. My mentor was Mr. McNeil. I played in an under 12 class and I was just eleven. I playedwith loads of children who are presently youngsters and a couple of children from our evaluation. Iplayed goalkeeper. In addition to the fact that we played in the fall, yet we likewise playedindoor soccer at Tollbooth Sports. We won an indoor title when Iwas in the group. I at that point joined a group a greater amount of my won age. My mentor wasMr. Reynolds and our group name was the Rowdies. We are named after theGlasgow Rowdies on the grounds that our play is a lot of like theirs. I despite everything play on thisteam and we have won seven indoor titles and we were second place inthe territory of New Hampshire multiple times. Presently, I just play indoor and spring,and I golf throughout the fall. We will compose a custom paper on What Aspect of Myself Do I Value Most? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I began playing golf truly the previous summer. I purchased a seasonspass to Plasauwa Valley Country Club in Pembroke. I played all last summerand went for the secondary school golf crew. The main eight golf players madethe group and he took two interchanges. I was the primary substitute. I got togo to one match and it was on a chilly, stormy day at John McCain MemorialGolf Course. I dominated the game against different schools number eightgolfers. I likewise contended in the Flag Day competition at Plasauwa. I camein second for my debilitation and won a putter. I want to jump on the highschool group one year from now. Ski dashing is the game I generally like, and am bestat. I began skiing when I was 3 years of age. My dad was a major skiracer when he was youthful and dashed in school. He showed me how to skibetween his legs when I was youthful. I skied at a wide range of ski regions andmy family went on excursions to Sunday River in Maine consistently for a couple weeksduring Christmas get-away. I started my hustling profession when I was eleven onthe Ragged Mountain Ski Team. I was a J-4 and hustled against kids my agefrom other ski regions like Gunstock, Pats Peak, and Sunapee. I hustled therefor two years and afterward I went to Pats Peak to race and I likewise gave a shot forthe secondary school group. I made the secondary school group as a first year recruit and wasfifth in the group. I got the chance to go to states and my time consistently tallied if oneof the main four skiers fell. We completed fourth in the State Championshipsand missed third by one. This year, I was second in the group. Mytime consistently checked. I went to states again and o ur group completed insixth. It was a decent season and I appreciated being in the group. I truly appreciate sports. They keep my body solid and sound. On the off chance that youkeep your body solid and dynamic, and have a solid psyche, you can live forvery long. Playing sports likewise gets me far from drugs. On the off chance that I am everoffered drugs, I need to state no in such a case that I do them my capacity in sportswill go down. I play sports I can play for a mind-blowing remainder and plan ondoing so. Playing sports keeps me fit as a fiddle and inspires me to buckle down. .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .postImageUrl , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:hover , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:visited , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:active { border:0!important; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:active , .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uaf05 016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uaf05016ebf59e6f27d6decfa7fee6d2e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Gluten and Casein Diet for Children with Autism EssayI would like to improve at golf and keep up the great skiing. I play othersports in the late spring at my lake house, for example, wakeboarding, water skiing,and swimming.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Energy Deregulation Essay Example For Students
Vitality Deregulation Essay As we have seen the intentional power outages and crisis alarms all through numerous pieces of our province of California inside the previous a year, there is an inquiry standing by to be replied. For what reason do we have a vitality emergency when there are different states that are doing fine and dandy? Before we arrive at any hurried resolution, let us ask ourselves what befell the vitality strategy during the mid 90s? During that period the electric utilities went from being exceptionally directed to being deregulated following the pattern in effective deregulation of numerous businesses, for example, aircraft and media transmission enterprises. The idea that deregulation will bring increasingly serious costs and better administrations to the general population, subverted the negative possibilities of the free market framework. Deregulation bill must be abrogated in light of the fact that it brings higher power costs, lower reliabilities of power, and furthermore it takes steps to haul down our economy alongside it. In the first place, we have seen an across the nation increment in both discount and retail power costs. In California for instance, the discount costs expanded multiple times a year ago contrasted with 1999 (Kahn and Lynch 13). The normal private electric bill nearly multiplied from $40 to $80 in San Diego when the SDG Es retail cost freeze finished in June 2000.1According to Washington Governor Gray Locke, the entire vitality costs have gone up from ten to multiple times the costs of a year prior (1).In New York, all the more explicitly in New York City and parts of Westchester County which are one of the principal territories in the nation to deregulate retail costs altogether, the retail rates have expanded practically 30% (Eisenberg 47). This is terrible when you consider that ones that will be generally harmed from these nonsensically high power costs will be the people and families that are in the low-level of pay. Second, the dependability of power was undermined all through numerous pieces of our state, influencing both private and business divisions. On June 14, 2000, around 100,000 clients were passed out in San Francisco Bay Area (Kahn and Lynch 9-10). As per Lorenco Goncalves, the CEO of California steel businesses, We were interfered with multiple times this month January contrasted with not once from 1987 to 1998. Such a significant number of different businesses rely upon what we send themIf they cannot rely upon my items, they will get them somewhere else (Wood and Sherer). These questionable interferences are causing a great deal of harm in our economy. Jack Kyser, chief of the Los Angeles Economic Development Council, attests that, Concern is undulating through each business in the state, since they are getting calls from clients thinking about whether they will have the option to convey (Wood and Scherer). The assessed misfortune from the planned power outages in January is $1.8 bi llion as indicated by Mr. Kyser (Wood and Sherer). An arrangement that should convey better administrations, experiences thus given more difficulties to people in general. At long last, there is another issue related with deregulation and that is cost gouging. At the point when the huge three utilities were requested to sell their age plants to get ready for deregulation, numerous privately owned businesses bought those force plants.These plants create power that is then bought by utilities that control transmission and dissemination of power. Notwithstanding, numerous privately owned businesses who own the plants supposedly made a fake lack which brings about value spikes (Sloan, Allan). This is an ideal model why open utilities, particularly the electric utilities, ought not be deregulated. At the point when individuals exploit the flexibly and request, for example, for this situation, the result is positively shakiness and turmoil of our open utility framework. .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .postImageUrl , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:hover , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:visited , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:active { border:0!important; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:active , .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ud421 b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ud421b1dded4b46cc40684e352f649516:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Importance of Arts Education Essay ThesisDespite the way that deregulation was a tremendous disappointment in California, the advocates of deregulation contend that it can work to bring more decisions and serious costs. The best genuine model originates from the territory of Pennsylvania where its occupants spared $3 billion on their electric bills after the state received deregulation charge (Eisenberg 46). Another model is the province of Texas. Eisenberg says that, state authorities are ensuring a 6% rate cut as it so happens when retail deregulation produces results one year from now (Eisenberg 47). In any case, th ere are different states that had been deregulated however didn't encounter increasingly serious rates. As indicated by Eisenberg, the electric
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Negative Side Effects of Antidepressants
Negative Side Effects of Antidepressants Depression Treatment Medication Print Negative Effects of Antidepressants By Nancy Schimelpfening Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be. Learn about our editorial policy Nancy Schimelpfening Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 13, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 24, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids Joe Raedle / Staff / Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand Coping With Side Effects Consult Your Doctor Common Side Effects Serious Side Effects When to Call 911 View All All medications, including antidepressants, can produce unwanted negative effects that we refer to as side effects. How to Deal With Side Effects Some of these negative effects may be quite mild while others may be more severe. In addition, they may go away or become less severe in time. If you experience problems with side effects, you should mention these to your doctor as he or she may be able to either give you strategies for coping with the side effects or prescribe a different antidepressant for you that has fewer or more tolerable side effects. Consult Your Doctor Keep in mind, however, that it is never a good idea to stop taking your antidepressant without first discussing it with your doctor. An unpleasant set of symptoms known as discontinuation syndrome may occur if you stop taking your medication too abruptly. These symptoms include electric shock sensations, tingling, vivid dreams, hallucinations, sweating, muscle pain, blurred vision, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, agitation, upset stomach, and fatigue.?? Its always best to taper off of your antidepressant very slowly with your doctors guidance. This gives your brain time to get used to the changes and you will notice fewer effects if you stick with your doctors plan. Common Side Effects Some of the more common negative effects that many patients experience with antidepressants include dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, sexual side effects, weight gain, constipation, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, feeling numb, and anxiety.?? Your doctor will be able to offer you appropriate coping strategies for many of these or may also be able to make changes in your dose or transition you to a different medication that you can better tolerate. Serious Side Effects While many of the most common side effects are not cause for excessive concern, there are certainly rare, but more serious side effects, that you should be aware of. Among these are: Serotonin Syndrome This side effect is linked to the use of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Serotonin syndrome occurs when a neurochemical in the brain called serotonin reaches dangerously high levels. It is generally triggered when an SSRI or SNRI medication is used in combination with a second medication that also affects serotonin levels, such as another antidepressant.?? Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include confusion, agitation, muscle twitching, sweating, shivering, and diarrhea. In addition, severe cases may include symptoms such as a very high fever, seizures, irregular heartbeat, and unconsciousness. If a person begins to exhibit any of the above symptoms, medical care should be sought immediately as this condition can be life-threatening. Hyponatremia Hyponatremia is a condition in which the sodium, or salt, levels in the blood fall to abnormally low levels. When this happens, dangerous amounts of fluid can build up inside the bodys cells. This side effect can occur with SSRIs because these drugs can potentially impact the effects of a hormone involved in regulating sodium and fluid levels within the body. Older people may be especially prone to hyponatremia.?? Mild cases of hyponatremia can cause symptoms such as feeling ill, headache, muscle pain, loss of appetite and confusion. In more severe cases, people may also experience such symptoms as listlessness and fatigue, disorientation, agitation, psychosis, and seizures. In addition, hyponatremia has the potential to lead to coma or death. People who experience even mild symptoms of hyponatremia should seek immediate medical care. Suicidal Thoughts You should be aware that when youre first starting an antidepressant, you may experience a temporary worsening of your depression and potentially even increased thoughts of suicide. Studies indicate that this may be especially true for people younger than age 25.?? If you, or someone you are caring for, experience any worsening of depression, increased thoughts of suicide or death or unusual changes in behavior in the first weeks after starting a new antidepressant, it is important to get medical assistance immediately. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. Allergic Reactions Allergic reactions can occur with antidepressants, either because a person is allergic to the active ingredient of the medication or because he or she is allergic to the dyes, fillers or other inactive ingredients present in the pill or capsule. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include swelling, itchy rash, hives, blisters or difficulty breathing.?? A severe allergic reaction can become life-threatening if it blocks a persons ability to breathe. Medical help should be sought for an allergic reaction, especially if there is swelling in the face or breathing difficulty. Mania In people who are susceptible to bipolar disorder, medications like antidepressants can potentially trigger an episode of mania.?? Symptoms of mania include increased energy and activity, problems with sleeping, racing thoughts, impulsive behavior, grandiose thinking, extreme elevation of mood, irritability, and pressured speech. While mania is not necessarily life-threatening, it will require medical assistance to treat. Seizures Certain antidepressants can increase a persons risk of having a seizure. In some cases, a seizure may be triggered by a person who has never had one before. Most antidepressants do not increase seizure risk, although Wellbutrin (bupropion) is the antidepressant that is most likely to trigger one.?? Certain older antidepressants called tricyclics can increase a persons seizure risk as well. Generally, the newer antidepressants are less likely to trigger seizures. Seizures involve such symptoms as uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, staring spells, confusion, abnormal sensations and loss of consciousness. All seizures should be reported to a doctor. If it is the first time a person has had a seizure then emergency services should be summoned. When to Call 911 A seizure lasts more than five minutesThe person does not wake upAnother seizure begins immediately afterwardThe seizure occurs in waterThe person is pregnant, injured or has diabetesThere is anything unusual about the seizure compared to others that the person has had before
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Corporate Finance Essay - 550 Words
Corporate Finance (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Corporate FinanceInstitution:Date:Corporate FinanceIn corporate finance, dividend policies may change depending on several factors such as market conditions and economic situation. Mullin Plc. has not paid dividends for the past five years, 2008-2012. Previously it paid a constant annual dividend of five percent per share, 2003-2007. My aim in this paper is to evaluate critically the dividend policy options available to Mullin Plc., given the present and future economic situations.According to Berk andÂDeMarzo (2011), a company needs only to pay dividends when it is unable to reinvest its cash at a higher rate than the business owners would do with the same amount of money. Where Mullin Plc. earns highly on equity, for example, 28%, and bears no debts it should not pay out the dividends but instead retain and re-invest the returns. Sources indicate, "If a company pays out dividends, but an investor would prefer the money to be re-invested, then the investor c an simply use the dividends to buy more shares" (Borowski 2010, p.8). The British economy is on a recovery trend, projecting a growth in GDP from 1.3% to 1.9% in 2013 and unemployment rates expected to fall to 7.5% in Quarter 3 of 2014 (British Chamber of Commerce 2013). This shows that businesses are recovering hence creating confidence in the investors. According to literature, Mullin Plc. should hold back payout of dividends for business growth, due to this confidence (Clayman et al. 2008).Currently corporations include issues of paying out dividends in the form of repurchasing of shares, or increasing the investorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ shares. Previously payouts involved cash transactions only, with decisions lying squarely with the management, creating a collision of interests with shareholders (Ross et al. 2008). Mullin Plc. can thus also increase investor shares in order to maintain its cash ratio.Taxes affect dividend payouts (Werner and Stoner 2011). Literature indicates, "income ta xes on investors who receive dividends payments are likely to reduce the demand for dividends and thus prompt corporations to retain a larger share of their profits" (Baker 2009, p.135). In this case, if Mullin Plc. is earning, for example, 10% on returns while the investors only expect that much, it should keep all the returns due to tax consequences. In addition, "high-growth firms with great investment opportunities do not usually pay out dividends," (Damodaran 2010, p.514). Consider a company earning 10% on its equity on a consistent basis making  £100,000 in profits. Re-investing this amount, investors expect the company will make  £ 10,000. If instead the company pays the  £100,000 to the shareholders in terms of cash dividends, the investorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ will face taxation. Miller and Oats (2012) indicate the result is a reduced amount of profit margin resulting from the summation of individual tax deductions. To expound, if 30% is the average tax rate for the individual investors; this translates to  £30,000 in taxation on the profit alone, leaving only  £70,000. Upon re-investing at 10%, this gives the investors a maximum return of  £7,000; that is 10% of  £70,000. Literature shows that such a trend when extrapolated over time sums up to substantial figures (Drury 2008).In conclusion, share price awarded to investors is a risk especially to those who own ordinary shares due to volatility of their investments. Given the current high recession recovery rate of the UK economy and projected future growth, investors have confidence. For this reason, they are comfortable with continuous re-investment of the profits to make more money. To them this is a better option since they posit better return outcomes. In the case of Mullin Plc., the best dividend policy is to keep the returns and con...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Types of Businesses - 2422 Words
Sole proprietorship Sole proprietorship concern (also known as a sole trader/owner) is the most common and most favored option for individuals who want to establish a small business in Pakistan, or want to start a home-based business. This form of business is used by majority of start-ups on Pakistan, and it is the simplest way of giving corporate face to a small business Formation Following are the main steps to start a sole proprietorship business:  · Finalize a business name.  · Print basic business stationary i.e. letterheads, visiting cards etc.  · Prepare firms name stamp (a common rubber stamp will do).  · Open a bank account in the name of sole proprietor business. The bank manager will require a request letter on business†¦show more content†¦Partnership A partnership or firm is established through written agreement between all the partners. The law governing the partnerships in Pakistan is contained in the Partnership Act 1932. Characteristics In Pakistan partnerships are of two kinds:  · Registered Partnership  · Unregistered Partnership There is no requirement to register a firm, however there are certain benefits of registering a firm. In case of registered firm, the partnership deed is registered with the Registrar of Firms. Unregistered partnership can be dissolved without any formality, however a registered firm can only be dissolved through a written dissolution application to the Registrar of Firms. By definition partnership is a relation between two or more persons who have agreed through a written partnership deed to conduct the business and share the profits and losses of the business according to the terms of the partnership deed. Partnership business can be conducted by all partners or any of the partners on behalf of others. A maximum of 20 partners are allowed to form a partnership. In a partnership firm the partners’ liability is not limited and they are fully liable for all claims or law su its against the partnership. Formation Registration of Partnership Procedure and Requirements The registration of Partnership firm is not required by law and there is nopenalty for non-registration. Nevertheless registration can give myadvantages to the firm.Show MoreRelatedTypes of Businesses1455 Words  | 6 Pagesestablishment of a contract. In most cases, this kind of partnership between a principal and agency is usually imposed through agreements reached by the power of attorney. Types of Agents: These types of agents include general agents, special agents, co-agents, and universal agents (Smith Osborne, par, 2). The other types of agents are servants, independent contractors, sub-agents or sub-servants, and sub-contractors. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Founding of Connecticut Colony
The founding of the Connecticut colony began in 1636 when the Dutch established the first trading post on the Connecticut River valley in what is now the town of Hartford. The move into the valley was part of a general movement out of the Massachusetts colony. By the 1630s, the population in and around Boston had grown so dense that settlers began to spread out throughout southern New England, concentrating their settlements along navigable river valleys such as those in Connecticut. Founding Fathers The man credited as the founder of Connecticut was Thomas Hooker, an English yeoman and clergyman born in 1586, at Marfield in Leicester, England. He was educated at Cambridge, where he received a Bachelors in 1608 and a Masters in 1611. He was one of the most learned and powerful preachers of both old and New England and was the minister of Esher, Surrey, between 1620 and 1625. He was the lecturer at St. Marys Church at Chelmsford in Essex from 1625–1629. Hooker was also a nonconformist Puritan, who was targeted for suppression by the English government under Charles I and was forced to retire from Chelmsford in 1629. He fled to Holland, where other exiles had sought refuge. The First Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, wrote to Hooker as early as 1628 or 1629, asking him to come to Massachusetts. In 1633, Hooker sailed for North America. By October, he was made pastor at Newtown (now Cambridge) on the Charles River in the Massachusetts colony. By May 1634, Hooker and his congregation at Newtown petitioned to leave for Connecticut. In May 1636, they were allowed to go, and they were provided a commission by the General Court of Massachusetts. Hooker, his wife, and his congregation left Boston and drove 160 cattle southward, founding the river towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield. By 1637, there were almost 800 people in the new colony of Connecticut. New Governance in Connecticut The new Connecticut colonists used Massachusetts civil and ecclesiastical law to set up their initial government. Most people who came to the American colonies came as indentured servants or commons. According to English law, it was only after a man had paid or worked off his contract that he could apply to become a member of the church and own lands. Freemen were men who had all the civil and political rights under a free government, including the right to vote. In Connecticut, whether a man was indentured or not, if he entered the colony as a free person, he had to wait over a one- to two-year probationary period, during which he was closely observed to make sure he was an upright Puritan. If he passed the test, he could be accepted as a freeman. If not, he could be forced to leave the colony. Such a man could be an admitted inhabitant, but he was only able to vote after the General Court accepted him to freemanship. Only 229 men were admitted as freemen in Connecticut between 1639 and 1662. Towns in Connecticut By 1669, there were 21 towns on the Connecticut River. The four main communities were Hartford (established 1651), Windsor, Wethersfield, and Farmington. Together they had a total population of 2,163, including 541 adult males. Only 343 were freemen. That year, the New Haven colony was brought under the Connecticut colonys governance. Other early towns included Lyme, Saybrook, Haddam, Middletown, Killingworth, New London, Stonington, Norwich, Stratford, Fairfield, and Norwalk. Significant Events From 1636 to 1637, the Pequot War was fought between the settlers in Connecticut and the Pequot Indians. By the end of the war, the Pequot Indians were decimated.The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were created in 1639. Many believe that this written Constitution would become the basis for the later United States Constitution.The Colony Charter was accepted in 1662.King Philips (the Wampanoag leader Metacomet) War, in 1675, was the result of increasing tensions between Native Americans and Europeans in southern New England.The Connecticut colony signed the Declaration of Independence in October 1776.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Bibliography Of Performance Islamic Banks Example For Free - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1407 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Abdel-Hameed M. Bashir, 2003, Determinants Of Profitability in Islamic Banks : Some Evidence from the Middle East, Islamic Economic Studies, vol. 11, No. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bibliography Of Performance Islamic Banks Example For Free" essay for you Create order 1. Authors article study the determinants of profitability in Islamic banks across eight Middle East countries between 1993 and 1998. The author attempts to examine the relationship between the performance of Islamic banks and the internal and external banking characteristics. The performance of bank is measured by using the operating efficiency and profitability measures. The author also used several ratios to access the relationship between performance and internal bank characteristics. In order to separate the effects of bank characteristics on performance, the author has addressed the four variables of external characteristics that is necessary to control which are the macroeconomic environment, the financial market structure, the regulation indicators, and country (dummy) variables. The authors analysis found that a higher profit margins results from a larger equity to total asset ratio and larger loan to asset ratio interacted with GDP. Abdus Samad M. Kabir Hassan, 2009, The Performance of Malaysian Islamic Bank During 1984-1997 1997: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Islamic Financial Services, Feb 2009, vol. 1, No.3 This article is an exploratory study on performance of Malaysian Islamic bank where the author evaluates the Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) performance in term of risk and solvency, community involvement, liquidity and profitability during 1984-1997. The author used financial ratios as the method to evaluate banks performance and also do the comparison of the performance of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) between two periods that are 1984-1989 and 1990-1997. Not only have that, the author also made comparison between Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) versus other conventional banks. As the result, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) relatively less risky and more liquid compared to other conventional banks. Anjum Siddiqui, 2008, Financial Contracts, Risk and Performance of Islamic Banking, Managerial Finance, vol. 34, No. 10 pp. 680-694 This article is discussing about the financial contracts, risk and performance of the Islamic Banks in terms of their contracts and risks. This article examines the risks occurred and the various modes of Islamic Banking. The author has stated that Islamic Banks are prohibited from acquiring any three elements into their transactions which are interest (Riba), uncertainty (Gharar), and gambling (Maysir). Since now, the Islamic Windows are very popular, there is an uncertainty whether the conventional banks with Islamic Windows products are receiving or paying any three elements stated above. There are several financial contracts which stated by the author, which are cost plus sales (Murabaha), credit sales (bay bithaman ajil), leasing (Ijarah), partnerships (Mudarabah and Musharakah), forward contracts (Salam and Istisna), and also Qardul Hasan (benevolent loan). Along with these financial contracts, there are several risks which the bank should bear. Some of the risks are credit r isk, liquidity risk, withdrawal risk, legal risk, operational risk and also the fiduciary risk. One of the risks which is commonly bear by the Islamic Bank is credit risk which means the risk is arise due to the asymmetric information. Mahmood H. Al-Osaimy Ahmed S. Bamakhramah, 2004, An Early Warning System for Islamic Banks Performance, Islamic Econ., vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 3-14 This article is about the warning system for Islamic banks performance where the author explored the increasing demand for predicting the performance of Islamic banks due to the vital importance of any problem that may face these banks before it materializes and negatively affects their performance and their financial status. The article comprehensively analyzes the save on the costs of bad performance or failure to depositors, owners and the economy. The rationale for an early warning system comes from several reasons. However, this article tries to find out at benefiting from the previous research efforts on the subject to develop a preliminary model for the prediction of the performance level of Islamic banks (i.e. an early warning system), hoping for further development and improvisation and application. The author also does the research or study on Discriminate analysis and scores are then extracted and used to differentiation between the higher and lower performance groups of banks, then forming a possible early warning system for the prediction of future performance of the observed banks. Lastly it was tested and conclusions were made. Racha Ghayad, 2008, Corporate Governance and the Global Performance of Islamic Banks, Humanomics, vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 207-216 In this article, the author attempts to study the corporate governance and the global performance of Islamic banks. The author found that the elements that affect the performance of Islamic banks are the internal variables of quantitative nature and the internal qualitative variables. The author also revealed that the previous Sharia board members have lack of knowledge in modern banking, experience, and banking language. In order to ensure a better quality of supervision and consultation, they need a qualification in finance and commerce. Besides that, the author has addressed two roles of Sharia board in the operation of Islamic banks which are legal and tacit role. These roles are essential in order to ensure that the Islamic banks are in compliance with the Sharia rules and principle in their operation. Salina H. Kassim M. Shabri Abd. Majid, 2010, Impact of financial shocks on Islamic banks : Malaysian evidence during 1997 and 2007 financial crises, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 291-305 From the article above, the author is discussing on the ability of the Islamic banks facing the financial crisis, namely the 1997 Asian financial crisis and 2007 financial crisis. The study is to look whether the Islamic banks is more resilient compared to the conventional banks. This is due to the instinctive nature which all of the financial transactions must be based on the trade and also asset linked. This is also because of the Islamic banks practices which emphasize on the trade based arrangements and prohibits the involvement of the interest based transactions. From the quotation of other journal stated in this article, there is proof that Islamic banks are more liquid than the conventional banks and thus less exposed to the liquidity risk. The author use two methodologies to test the Islamic banks and deposits financing. There are impulse responds functions and variance decomposition analysis. The result shows that Islamic financing respond significantly to the crisis. Sudin Harun, 1996, The Effects of Management Policy on the Performance of Islamic Banks, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1996, Vol. 13, No. 2 In this article, the author attempt to examine the effects of management policy on the performance of Islamic banks. Author used three variables included investment, savings and current accounts to indicate the effects of management policy on profitability. The author also found an opposite relation between fund-use management and profitability ratios. Other than that, the author also found the percentage of income from financing activities towards profit-sharing ratio measures between Islamic banks and the users of fund. For the profit-sharing ratio between banks and depositors, it seem give benefits to both parties. Turen S., 1996, Performance and Risk Analysis of the Islamic Bank: The Case of Bahrain Islamic Bank, Islamic Econ., vol. 8, pp. 3-14 In this article, the author uses the analysis from Bahrain Islamic banks. The purpose of this paper is to investigate quantitatively and also at micro level the claim that Islamic banking offers high performance and stability and to evaluate the risk-return characteristics of the Islamic banks, Bahrain Islamic Bank (BIB) has been taken as an example. The research is conducted through three different methods that is financial ratio analysis and stock analysis both indicate that BIB offers a higher return and a lower coefficient of variation than the other commercial banks. Portfolio analysis too, shows that BIBs stock is the best for the purpose of portfolio diversification. The results of the investigation can be used as a partial but quantitative explanation to the arguments whether the profit sharing concept of Islamic banking can achieve a higher profitability and lower risk than conventional commercial banks.               ____________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF JOURNAL ARTICLES ON THE RESEARCH TOPIC From the literature review above of the title of The Performance of the Islamic Banks in Malaysia, we had found that there are many determinants of the Islamic banks to be efficient in various ways. From the topic above, we can clarify that Islamic banks also has to perform better to compete with the conventional banks. Most of the articles summarized are discussing on the performance if Islamic banks itself and its efficiency. We believe that the summary is important to the research topic when it will be conducted.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Moral decadence among teenagers - 6921 Words
AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION OF SUNNAH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W AMONG MUSLIM ADOLESCENTS IN SELANGOR Norsila Shamsuddin, Muhamad Wazir Muslat, Farid Wajdi Bin Mohd Noor, Noor Fadhzana Mohd Noor, Hafizah Khusni, Mujaini Tarimin Faculty of Education and Social Sciences University Selangor,,,, ABSTRACT By abiding to the examples and Sunnah (prophetic traditions) taught by the Prophet s.a.w, morality among the Muslim adolescents should be evident. But, the morality scenario is worsened. It is posited that awareness and appreciation of the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w among the Muslim adolescents is†¦show more content†¦Its being frequently used has made the exact definition of awareness been left undetermined. Nevertheless, the term of awareness is perpetually accompanied with the level of knowledge, as seen the studies of Aadam T. Aris (2012), Joyce K.H. Nga (2010) and Indrani R. Halady, 2010), or with certain level of engagement in the practice (Faisal Talib, 2012), or recognition and assigning oneself to the subject matter (Gudmundur Aevar Oddsson, 2010), or understanding and perception (Diana Bowman, 2007), or exposure to subject without in-depth knowledge (Donna Morrison, 2012) or even relating awareness to the fact of knowing the existence of the subject matter, differentiating it from knowledge (Akinniyi A. Adeleke, 2012). A research was also conducted to investigate a level of awareness by asking the respondents to rate their performance as to prove their level of awareness towards their physical activities, and this was even validated with heart rate monitors and accelerometers (Stef P.J. Kremers, 2008). Appreciation on the other hand brings along a different dimension. Superficially the term appreciate denotes liking and preferability. In Alain d’Astous (2007), he enjoined the meaning of appreciation with favoritism, attachment, probability to recommend to others, high rated, love and pleasure. Besides that, Fagley (2012) in Adler and Fagley (2005) defined appreciation as acknowledging meaning and value of something – anShow MoreRelatedThinking Globally and Acting Locally 1172 Words  | 5 Pagesdominated in the entertainment market across the world. Youths in different countries enjoy the MTV shows and programs. However, this has had both negative effects and positive effects on the youths. Globalization has led to an increasing connection among different people of the world. This means the youths are to know about what is happening in the larger environment. 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This phenomenon comes about from what is termed as the reception theory. The mind tends to develop in accordance with the exposure (Cossman 50). It is evident that these scenes tend to be more attractive to the unsuspecting persons, mostly teenagers; therefore, developing strategies to protect them is essential. The Canadian government believes that continuing to produce these materials can corrupt the minds of the readers and the wider population. Unfortunately, the use of books containingRead MoreProblems of Upbringing4514 Words  | 19 Pagesand excel in everything else. In this rat-race they turn their children into display objects; possessions which they can be proud to show off to their friends and relatives and for others to talk about. In the good old days, life as a child and a teenager was never stressful because there were not too many expectations to fulfil. But children these days, especially those in urban areas, seem to have so many things to do and compete in that they are deprived of a normal childhood. Many people failRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pageschannels †¢ Any work, regardless of its value, can easily get broadcasted to a global audience †¢ Publishers want to ensure that their books sell *quality check* †¢ Any hack can put up his dribbling on †¢ Any angst-filled teenager can put up his or her macabre, misspelt poetry online. †¢ Anyone can masquerade a superstition for scientific truth and create a website to scare similarly weak-minded netizens Mainstream BAD: Profit motive and Government-regulated - reliability
Socialcultural Influences on Consumer Behavior Free Essays
Sociocultural Influences on Consumer Behavior. Marketing Trey Hampton September 22, 2012 There are lots of influences that take place on what consumers buy, these influences are called sociocultural influences. Sociocultural influences â€Å"involve personal influence, reference groups, family influence, culture, and subculture. We will write a custom essay sample on Socialcultural Influences on Consumer Behavior or any similar topic only for you Order Now †(Kerin, Hartley Rudelius 108) Out of these categories, personal influence seems to have the biggest influence of all on what people buy. â€Å"A consumer’s purchases are often influenced by the views, opinions, or behaviors of others. (Kerin, Hartley Rudelius 108) If it works for others, it will work for me is how this influence works. Two types of influences fall under personal influence, opinion leadership, and word of mouth. People seem to buy what they hear is good, rather than taking a shot in the dark and buying something they know nothing about, this is called word of mouth influence. Companies using celebrities to say their product works and is great is an example of opinion leadership. If someone famous uses it, it must be good! A company that uses personal influence to help sell their products is Gaspari Nutrition (www. Gasparinutrition. com). Gaspari nutrition uses big time champion bodybuilders, such as Flex Lewis, in their advertisement saying I use the product so the consumer believes that taking that product will surely give the same results. Also word of mouth plays a part on their success. At the gym they line the shelves with Gaspari products and the person selling them say â€Å"I take this every day, it gives real results. †However, it is common for people that not like their products and they will tell you how they wasted money on something that doesn’t work. All companies will have good and bad influences on their products, but if the product is good it shall overcome the bad and help the company succeed. Influence is everywhere for the good, or for the bad. People get influenced by seeing someone they idol using the product, or simply hearing how good it is by a friend. Influence has always been around and always will be. It’s a powerful thing that makes or breaks companies today. References: Kerin, Roger A. , Hartley, Steven W. , and Rudelius, William. (2011). Marketing The Core. (4th edition). New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin How to cite Socialcultural Influences on Consumer Behavior, Essay examples
Ethical Perspective on Accounting Standard
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Perspective on Accounting Standard. Answer: Introduction Sharing the same primary and secondary schools, Matt and Stephanie wanted to help each other during their time of need. Matt had been going through a financial crisis while Stephanie was struggling to establish her business in advertising (Needles et al. 2013). Stephanie had asked Matt to help in her bid and analyze her bid. This assignment would give an idea whether Matt should analyze the bid of Stephanie or not. Matt and Stephanie are said to be childhood friends who had shared their primary and secondary schools and university. Both Matt and Stephanie are well established in their career. However, recently Matt had been suffering from financial crisis and Stephanie wants to establish her successful advertising firm with the help of Matt. In return, Stephanie would help Matt to solve his financial crisis. Matt should not hesitate to help Stephanie in this case as they are childhood friends and it is expected that Stephanie would not cheat Matt at any context (Himick et al. 2016). In-fact, the strong background of Stephanie would help her to establish her business and it would help Matt to solve his financial crisis. Thus, Matt should not feel any reservation to help Stephanie and the instincts of Matt are incorrect. It would not be ethical to analyze Stephanies bid. This is because Matt works in a company where he had been appointed as an accountant and the firm trusts him. However, Matts responsibility is to stay loyal towards the company without taking any advantage of his position (Henderson et al. 2015). However, as a friend Matt can provide some ideas to Stephanie, as a friend, so that she can analyze the bid herself. According to APES 110 Revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (effective 1 July 2011 with early adoption permitted) issued by the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board, there lies a fundamental principal in APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (George et al. 2014) . This fundamental principle states that an employee must be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships. Thus, on analyzing Stephanies bid, Matt would violate the fundamental principle of not being honest in his profession. Conclusion Matt would be advised not to analyses the bid of Stephanie, which would help her to establish her successful advertising business. This is because Matt works in FCPA designation as an accountant and he has some responsibility towards his company. Though Matt is suffering from financial crisis, but analyzing the bid of Stephainie would force him to violate APES 110 Revised Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. This can land him into trouble if his company comes to know about his betrayal. It could hamper his career permanently. Thus, it is advisable that Matt can suggest some analysis techniques of bid to Stephainie and advise her to use them of her own to analyze her bid. It would help Matt to remain loyal towards his company as well as play the role of a helpful friend. References George, G., Jones, A. and Harvey, J., 2014. Analysis of the language used within codes of ethical conduct. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 8, p.1. Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K. and Howieson, B., 2015. Issues in financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Himick, D., Brivot, M. and Henri, J.F., 2016. An ethical perspective on accounting standard setting: Professional and lay-experts contribution to GASBs Pension Project. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 36, pp.22-38. Needles, B.E., Powers, M. and Crosson, S.V., 2013. Principles of accounting. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Are Americans Scientifically Illiterate free essay sample
An analysis of the extent and value of scientific awareness of Americans. This paper discusses whether or not Americans today are scientifically illiterate. The author makes comparisons to other countries, and discusses what a scientifically aware person should be able to understand. The question about whether science education in America is adequate enough has been raised over the past few decades. People claim that they are scientifically aware and are quite capable of irrational thinking. On the other hand, surveys have been conducted to show that most people are, in fact, scientifically illiterate. One would expect that if a nation truly was scientifically aware, than at least half the population would be able to correctly answer simple problems about the Earth and the elements within this planet. However, according to a new survey conducted by the National Science Foundation, only about 23 percent of those adults understand the nature of scientific inquiry well enough to make informed judgments about those science stories. We will write a custom essay sample on Are Americans Scientifically Illiterate? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
An Analysis of Nadine Gordimers Short Stories Essay Example
An Analysis of Nadine Gordimers Short Stories Paper Death is something that affects everyone and is always reoccurring. Nadine Gordimer references death in her work frequently; breaking down boundaries and stereotypes. She opens her mind on paper and tells the world as it is. She talks about subjects that are taboo, and while doing this she makes us aware of its constant presence in our lives and the world around us. In her short stories, such as Loot and An Emissary, the contrast of life and death is a theme throughout each of the stories. She weaves stories about experiences that all come to an inevitable end. Life is a bunch of events that you build up for death to take it away. At the start of each story there is an unawareness of death being present. They only seem to be aware of the present, neither the past nor the future matters. The people in her stories seem to be only thinking of themselves and their actions. In An Emissary there is one setting where it is always summer or summer-like weather. This adds onto the lack of awareness of the presence of death, because winter is a symbol for death. I relate to these people because I often avoid the thought of death. We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis of Nadine Gordimers Short Stories specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis of Nadine Gordimers Short Stories specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis of Nadine Gordimers Short Stories specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When I actually stop to think about it I realize how much time I am wasting; this gives me anxiety, which in turn makes me block it out more. These stories made me realize that even the little things should not be held for granted because you could die at any moment. People have the mentality of trying to collect everything, even though death takes everything away. In the story Loot, we see that people are greedily taking what is not theirs, but their motives are meaningless in the end. Death takes hold of them and takes everything from them. Once again, I realize the consequences of greed and the habit of taking things for granted. The people in the story had an incredible urge to strive for more and if they had just cherished what they had, they would have had different consequences. This drive for possessing more inevitably brought them to their end. I noticed that in the middle of the story the characters go through realizations of their own. In the story Loot, the man who the writer was speculating found a mirror. I think this symbolism self reflection and realization. I think that character was trying to collect all these things because he was trying to lose himself. In the end, when he picked up the mirror, he found that what he was looking for is what he has been trying to avoid all this time. Its rather tragic that Nadine Gordimer decides to kill off this poor man that has just found self fulfillment. Her unconventional way of writing makes you unravel your brain and reflect upon things that you thought you knew. Nadine Gordminer put experiences in to perspective, with situations that have never occurred to you before. In the story An Emissary, there is the realization of death in the most peculiar situation. The characters notice death when they are in an intimate situation. This really contrasts the idea of death and the moods that death usually doesnt portray. Nadine bends the common definition of death and brings out a whole new meaning to it. In the finale, for both the story and the characters, everyone gets swept away along with their memories and possessions. In the story Loot, I find that Nadine was not only trying to have the ocean be the cause of the deaths but also have the ocean to be a metaphor for death. The ocean puts a black sheet over everything and wipes it from existents; exactly how death does the same thing. She also says how the ocean hides everything underneath it and I think this is also exactly what death does as well. In the story An Emissary, the end of the story becomes a circle to the beginning of the story. This, to me, represents the circle of life and how its always going to continue on the same path through different experiences. Death always is going to be there, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. These two stories really stuck to me because it made me question all my answers. It made me look at life in a different perspective. Nadine, as well, made me rethink what a short story is. I thought that short story was like a little story. However, she showed me that it is a reflection of another persons experiences. It doesnt have a good ending and unexpected things happen throughout it just like how life is. The definition I currently think of as a short story is that it is a little tidbit of life depicted on a piece of paper. A short story can teach us about things we feel and things we could have not understood before. The perspective of death has even changed for me. Now it is not necessarily a bad thing but a thing that I need to accept is going to happen. It really opened up how death can happen at any time, no matter the circumstances. Her stories made me think about what I have in life and what I should cherish. She also showed that every story has many sides and no one in the end is absolutely right. Her stories and the way her writing reflects on society today, makes the reader understand more about the world around him/her and propels him/her towards self fulfillment.
Friday, March 6, 2020
In his meditations, Descartes points out that there are three types of ideas; they can be innate, adventitious, caused by things outside of one’s self, and others that can be invented by us, such as ideas of mermaids or unicorns. After he concludes that God must necessarily exist, which will be discussed in more detail later on in this paper, he closes in to the fact that his idea of the Perfect Being cannot be adventitious, coming from without, nor can it be invented by him. Thus, this idea must be innate since he has a clear and distinct perception of God’s existence, and that Descartes must have been created by God with such an idea already in him. The idea of a Perfect Being in Descartes’ mind consists of an infinite, eternal, immutable, independent, supremely intelligent as well as a powerful substance, which created him and everything else. Thus he realizes that the idea of God must have far more objective reality than he has formal reality because God is an infinite substance where as he himself is only a finite substance. Having explained the idea of Descartes’ perfect being lets go into more detail on the process he uses to prove that such being actually exists. Descartes’ proof of the existence of God occurs in the Third Meditation. He builds his entire argument upon his proof in the previous meditation that in order for him to think, he must exist. From this single observation, Descartes notices that the idea of his existence is very clear and distinct in his mind; based upon this clarity and the fact that he has just determined his own existence, he deduces a rule such that the things that he sees as very clear and very distinct are all true. Descartes starts his proof by dividing â€Å"thought†into four categories; ideas (concepts), volitions (choices), emotions (desires), and judgments (beliefs). He then breaks down these categories to discover which types of thoughts can yield error. The first thing to ... Free Essays on DESCARTES EXISTENCE OF GOD Free Essays on DESCARTES EXISTENCE OF GOD In his meditations, Descartes points out that there are three types of ideas; they can be innate, adventitious, caused by things outside of one’s self, and others that can be invented by us, such as ideas of mermaids or unicorns. After he concludes that God must necessarily exist, which will be discussed in more detail later on in this paper, he closes in to the fact that his idea of the Perfect Being cannot be adventitious, coming from without, nor can it be invented by him. Thus, this idea must be innate since he has a clear and distinct perception of God’s existence, and that Descartes must have been created by God with such an idea already in him. The idea of a Perfect Being in Descartes’ mind consists of an infinite, eternal, immutable, independent, supremely intelligent as well as a powerful substance, which created him and everything else. Thus he realizes that the idea of God must have far more objective reality than he has formal reality because God is an infinite substance where as he himself is only a finite substance. Having explained the idea of Descartes’ perfect being lets go into more detail on the process he uses to prove that such being actually exists. Descartes’ proof of the existence of God occurs in the Third Meditation. He builds his entire argument upon his proof in the previous meditation that in order for him to think, he must exist. From this single observation, Descartes notices that the idea of his existence is very clear and distinct in his mind; based upon this clarity and the fact that he has just determined his own existence, he deduces a rule such that the things that he sees as very clear and very distinct are all true. Descartes starts his proof by dividing â€Å"thought†into four categories; ideas (concepts), volitions (choices), emotions (desires), and judgments (beliefs). He then breaks down these categories to discover which types of thoughts can yield error. The first thing to ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Litterature 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Litterature 2 - Essay Example This story is very engaging due to the fact that Baden does not only show actions; he inserts necessary inner thoughts of the narrator into the story line. Life and death are two central in the story as they are applied to the appropriate context. The plot is designed in a way to make the appearance of death unexpected. The closeness to death makes the feeling of suspense very intense. Defeated expectancy effect which creates the culmination renders the feeling of horror and despair. The story has a complex narrator. Obviously, it is told as a memory of the grown up narrator about his years in military. Differences between memories and present day comments can be identified by the use of tense. Recollections are written in the past tense while comments are inserted in the present tense. For instance, one can see this difference in the lines â€Å"At the time I was often preoccupied with my physical appearance†and â€Å"Until today I wonder just how during this time of fighting they had the time to greet me with smiles that I’ll never forget†(Baden). They correspond to different layers of time mixed in the story. The essay is told from the perspective of young and inexperienced soldier who takes the same position as the reader in the story. Limited narrative perspective intensifies feelings it evokes. Moreover, it helps to identify with the narrator in the story and participate in it for the reader. Increased attention to the green socks which attracted the attention of the narrator makes this effect even more dramatic. People do not talk about the dead in this way. The focus on this little detail shows makes all readers feel confidents that the soldiers are alive. Moreover, the socks are perceived as rather annoying objects because they are too bright for the gloomy and dark environment. The descriptions of the setting are very masculine. They are minimalistic in details and very laconic in verbal representation if
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Effect of Social Networking on Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Effect of Social Networking on Education - Essay Example Advantages and disadvantages of social networking are described from the point of view of emotional behavior, attitude, and performance of students and teachers. Apart from this, financial aspect is also described in the paper. In the same way, disadvantages of social networking are also explained in detail by using some examples. The paper also explains that how the involvement of parents in social networking of children affects the education. Since most of the students and teachers are more active in developing their social networks to get good job opportunities, therefore special attention is given to this point in the paper. Not only is this, but in order to give a clear picture of the points discussed in the paper some studies are also incorporated. This paper also describes the impact on the education of those students who are not active in their social networks and the impact of social networking on educational institutions is explained. Some recommendations are provided in th e end, which explains that, how to use social networking positively. Social Networking and Education In this modern era, social networking is spreading everywhere. As in other areas of life, social networking has a large impact on education. According to some theories, interaction increases learning and through social networking students interacts with other students, professionals, teachers, counselors, etc. The interchange of material, social, and informational resources between two individuals is referred as ties between them. This interchange of resources is called relations in the analysis of social networking (Kear, pg 120). Relations in the social networking are both positive as well as negative. According to the researchers, advice and friendship relations have positive impact on education and learning. However, on the other hand, some relations have an adverse impact on education. For instance, through social networking students interacts with different students belonging t o different cultures and races, speaking various languages and believing in their own religion. In this way, these students can share with each other about their cultures, religion, and traditions. This interaction with students of different classes makes the students aware of many things. An English student can learn about the culture of a Hindi student and likewise a Hindi student can learn about an English student. Beside this, they can easily discuss about the job opportunities of their countries, which let them aware about good positions in reputable organizations. Through this interaction, students can also get aware about the educational institutions of different countries and it provides an opportunity to them to gain knowledge about the institutions directly from the students over there. Knowledge about the educational institutions can also be gained through internet, magazines and from different websites, but since all these sources are mostly used for marketing purpose, o nly the positive side of the picture is displayed. However, through social networking true knowledge can be gained. People who misguide others are the exceptional cases (Orey, Branch, & Jones, pg 209). Social networking, on the other han
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