Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Different Characters Of Dante And Dantes Inferno
Most people have many different personalities. While you could be nice to one person, a flip could switch and you could be the meanest person; this is quite like that of Dante in Inferno. Dante has two different â€Å"personalities†: writer of the poem and a character in the poem. There is a very unique relation between Dante the poet and Dante the pilgrim. This is that without one, Dante wouldn’t be a whole person. Throughout the novel, these differences in â€Å"Dante†, affect the story greatly. Without either Dante, there would be no balance; each of the Dante’s balance out the other. The novel begins when Dante is alone in the woods and is scared. As Dante tries to walk towards heaven , he is stopped by what is know as the three divisions of†¦show more content†¦However, Dante the poet puts Bruno in this circle and Brunetto receives an awful punishment. In this circle, those who are sodomites live in a desert of burning sand and rain falling from the sky. If they stop for one moment they would lay under flames for 100 years and not be able to fan them off. Dante asked, â€Å"Master, will these torments be increased, or lessened, on the final Judgment Day, or will the pain be just the same as now?†, Dante is showing that he cares about these people and the if these punishments will be lessesned (6.103-105). Many times, Dante the poet and Dante the pilgrim’s emotions do not line up. Dante the pilgrim on the other hand is a completely different person. He himself has done wrong and is often trying to help people do better. When he and the Virgil travel through hell, Dante is changed greatly. As he proceeds through hell, Dante is changed because of the way he acts to each punishment; which is one way he becomes like Dante the poet. In the beginning, Dante the pilgrim is often overwhelmed by Hell and the punishments many endure. He shows this by fainting or being frightened. 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